A Video Library for the Aware

Unlike daily news, these messages will always be relevant because they reveal eternal truths. This library, like a family heirloom, is to be passed on to future generations for guidance. It is indexed for quick access by key words, names, and topics. Downloading to your private collection is encouraged. With your help, these gems can be preserved for all time.

Random Selections from the Archives

RFK: Fauci to Blame for 300k Deaths, Must Be Exposed

In an episode of "Conversations That Matter" for The New American Magazine with Red Pill University's Alex Newman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told host...

New Evidence That Viruses are Friends, not Enemies. Really!

In this nine-minute video, the current theory that viruses cause illness is compared to an emerging theory of exosomes, which have the same...

Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change: The Biggest Deception in History

President Trump was correct to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. He could have explained that the science was premeditated and deliberately...

Is the Official Story about the Oklahoma City Bombing a Lie?

Astounding evidence that the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was done with explosives inside the building, not from a truck on...

The Fake Pandemics of Dr. Fauci

Before becoming Director of President Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force, Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr Judy Mikovits worked together in the federal program to...

Freedom Rising over the Fourth Reich in America – Leigh Dundas

In this speech delivered at a Health-and-Freedom rally in Orange County, California, human-rights attorney Leigh Dundas lights the fire of liberty...

The Useful Idiots of Leninism and Technocracy

Patrick Wood, Publisher of Technocracy News, analyses the crumbling tranquility and political stability in America as of June, 2020. He shows how...

Why Doctors Prescribe Drugs for EVERYTHING

Dr. Bruce Lipton is a pioneer in Epigenetics, the study of how attitudes and emotions affect biological functions. This is a montage of the...

Short Course on Communist Takeover of the United States

This is a recently discovered excerpt from G. Edward Griffin's 1984 interview with KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov, who explains the four stages of...

How To Engineer a Crisis


The Left Wing & Right Wing are Both on the Same Bird Called Collectivism

G. Edward Griffin, interviewed by Christian Gomez, gives a short-course in political science leading to the awareness that Communism, Fascism,...

Government Corruption Always is Worse at the Top

Heather Brooke is a professor of journalism at City University in the UK and a former member of the Royal United Services Institute...

9/11 Whistle Blower Fired for Revealing Errors in Government’s Report

Kevin Ryan was site manager at a subsidiary of Underwriters Laboratories, that tests products for safety. UL certified the steel used to build the...

The Covid Con Game and End Game

Dr. Lee Merritt, an Orthopedic Surgeon in Onawa, Iowa, is interviewed by Jeff Dornik and delivers an amazingly comprehensive overview of the motives...

3 Ways Bitcoin could be Brought Down, Co-opted, or Made Irrelevant

In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto served the world an entirely new kind of currency. It was one that people could move over the internet instantaneously and...

Debunking the “Gender Wage Gap” Hoax

In this short video, Prager University masterfully debunks the myth (or lie) that women earn less than men for the same work. It boils down to...

When did Global Overpopulation become Underpopulation?

Perhaps you have suspected that the specter of world overpopulation has been exaggerated but still accept the inevitability that, sooner or later,...

Idea Pathogens are Killing Common Sense

You don't have to live in Canada to be outraged by what unfolds in this video. The action speaks for itself. at the end, pay close attention to the...

Escape from Hell – Yeonmi Park Describes her Life under Communism

Yeonmi Park, interviewed by Patrick Bet-David, tells her gripping story of starvation in North Korea, being sold as a sex slave in China, escape to...

The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic film series produced by Mikki Willis. It delivers an incredibly insigtful message...

Unseen Forces behind the Fame and Fortune of Bill Gates

James Corbett's fourth installment of his series on Bill Gates examines Gates' youth, family history, business strategies, and surprising personal...

Doctor Says the COVID-19 Hoax could be America’s Last Hurrah

Sherry Tenpenny, MD, has spent most of her medical career sounding the alarm about the health hazards of vaccines, and the politicization of...

Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie

The title says it all. This full-day program was recorded at the 3rd Congress of Freedom Force International in Phoenix. Arizona, on December 3,...

Man Jumps into Alligator Tank to Save Zoo Worker

A man took his son and a few of the boy's friends to an entertainment zoo.  While a staff member was feeding a very large Alligator, unexpectedly,...

Former Leftwing Blogger Exposes Media Lies about Alleged Racism

St. Paul, Minnesota: A store manager from the Chipotle fast food chain refused to serve Masud Ali, a black man, and several of his friends before...

15 Most Recent Additions

All others can be accessed at the Archives

The Great Awakening 5 (34)

The Great Awakening 5 (34)

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic film series produced by Mikki Willis. It delivers an incredibly insigtful message about about...

Murdered for her bed! 5 (37)

Murdered for her bed! 5 (37)

Dr. Vernon Coleman, self-described as “an old man in a chair”, is a retired medical doctor in the UK with a large international following for his...

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